

Procurement Competition for the Reconstruction of Rembates Street Concluded


We are pleased to announce that the Riga City Council's procurement competition for the reconstruction of Rembates Street, from Lubānas Street to A. Deglava Street, has concluded! The planning work will be completed within 10 months, which means that in about a year, we will be able to enjoy the benefits of the newly renovated Rembates Street.

The buyers of apartments in the Rembates 10 project will definitely appreciate the advantages of the upgraded infrastructure, such as improved access and a more aesthetically pleasing environment. The renovated street will also enhance daily life quality, offering safer and more convenient movement for both pedestrians and drivers.

We are confident that this project will positively impact not only the residents of Rembates Street but also all visitors to the area, creating a modern and well-organized urban environment. We eagerly await the results, which will soon be visible to everyone!